Stainless Steel Component Elements

The main component of stainless steel is the element chromium (Cr). Only when the Cr content reaches a certain value, the steel has corrosion resistance. Therefore, the Cr (chromium) content in stainless steel is at least 10.5%. In addition, stainless steel also contains Ni, Ti, Mn, N, Nb, Mo, Si, Cu and other elements.

China's stainless steel industry development progress late, since the founding of the country to the reform and opening up, China's stainless steel demand is mainly for industrial and defense cutting-edge use. After the reform and opening up, the rapid development of the national economy, the people's living standards improved significantly, pulling the demand for stainless steel. After entering the 1990s, China's stainless steel industry entered a period of rapid development, the growth rate of stainless steel demand is much higher than the global level. since 1990, the global apparent consumption of stainless steel to an average annual growth rate of 6%, while the 10 years of the 1990s, China's apparent consumption of stainless steel is the world's average annual growth rate of 2.9 times. Into the 21st century, China's stainless steel industry is growing at a high rate.

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